Caroline and Ryan's Round the World trip

From the 11th August we'll be departing the UK, stopping in Vegas, LA, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Hopefully through this blog we will be able to keep you all updated and show you what we've been up to. It would also be really great to here all your news, so feel free to comment and update us too!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

We're Home!

121 days away; 5 different countries; 10 flights totalling over 63 hours; 23,000 miles flown; over 10,000 miles driven; 29 different hotel and hostel rooms and; 30 days in a campervan. We have suffered the stress of two strikes, although luckily escaped the pain of both, had two moments of madness jumping out of a plane and off a bridge, and received 1 parking ticket (thank you Australia), and one speeding fine (thank you New Zealand), although there may be more waiting for us at home! Most importantly however, we have met lots of interesting people, and have thousands of brilliant memories to go with the 7,000 photos, which we will never forget, and never regret. Thank you for taking the time to bother reading our drivel, we hope it was entertaining, or at least mildly interesting! So until next time (!) this will be our last blog...see you all very soon!

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