Caroline and Ryan's Round the World trip

From the 11th August we'll be departing the UK, stopping in Vegas, LA, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Hopefully through this blog we will be able to keep you all updated and show you what we've been up to. It would also be really great to here all your news, so feel free to comment and update us too!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Bridge Climb

I (Ryan) booked the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb in July as they are normally fully booked for 3 months. It was clear from the very start why the climbs are in such demand, the bridge has such a presence in the city and the view from the top evokes a sense of awe. From start to finish the climb took close to 3 hours and once we reached the main arch all that stood between me and the top was a steep incline of 1500 stairs. We thankfully stopped a few times on the way up and the climb leader pointed out various points of interest including Bondi Beach and Manly which are over 30 minutes drive away. When we reached the top our climb leader said there was a slight chance of a thunder storm and that humidity was 74% and temperature 24 degrees. At the top you are 135 meters above the water, about 6 seconds. The bridge has over 6 million rivets and the harbour beneath the bridge has 100,000 that were dropped during construction. The climb down was much quicker and easier, the breeze also helped.

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