Caroline and Ryan's Round the World trip

From the 11th August we'll be departing the UK, stopping in Vegas, LA, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Hopefully through this blog we will be able to keep you all updated and show you what we've been up to. It would also be really great to here all your news, so feel free to comment and update us too!

Friday 11 November 2011

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BUNGY

Bloukrans is the 2nd highest bungy jump in the world, and the highest jump from a bridge, its height is 216 metres, with a freefall of 7 seconds. When we arrived we watched a couple of people jump and scream from a viewing platform but I didn’t need convincing as I was sure I wanted to jump. Once the harness was fitted it was only a short wait until they called for the 3 o’clock jumpers and we started the walk to the middle of the bridge which was an experience in itself as it was on diamond steel mesh which allowed you to see to the ground, which was a long way down! They announced the order, I was first. I sat down and they tied the bungy to my feet and lifted me to the edge so that my toes were just over.  They said spread your arms and jump out, they then began to countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BUNGY and I launched myself off arms stretched wide. After 7 seconds of freefall and reaching a speed of 150kph I bounced back up and it felt like I was falling upwards. This was then followed by the feeling of déjà vu as I started falling back towards the ground beneath me, and then springing back upwards a number of times, before finally coming to a unstable stop. I wasn’t left hanging upside down for very long though, as they are quite quick to come and get you and pull you back up to the top. 

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