Caroline and Ryan's Round the World trip

From the 11th August we'll be departing the UK, stopping in Vegas, LA, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Hopefully through this blog we will be able to keep you all updated and show you what we've been up to. It would also be really great to here all your news, so feel free to comment and update us too!

Saturday 22 October 2011


Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary was the first, and is the largest koala sanctuary in the world. They have over 80 koalas of various ages, all with separate living quarters, including the ‘bachelor pad’, ‘nursery’ and the ‘retirement home’! They also housed the world’s oldest koala, who was a record breaking 23 when she died in 2003. Although this may sound young, apparently koalas typically only live to 10 years old in the wild. After looking at lots of koalas in various states of snooze (Koala’s sleep on average 23 hours a day!), we were able to hug a koala and have our picture taken (see below!). They were surprisingly heavy, and extremely soft, with very sharp claws, which Carrie’s koala decided would be best placed in her arms! When holding the koalas it is apparently really important to stay really still, as they think you are just another tree, and if their tree starts moving about they cling on for dear life! Ryan performed an excellent tree impression, Carrie’s was apparently not as good! After being detached from our furry limpet friends we fed some of the kangaroos they have at the sanctuary. Clearly it wasn’t Carrie’s day, as the kangaroo she chose to feed had some issues controlling its saliva, leaving a lovely slobbery mess in place of the food! Also at the sanctuary we saw two keepers walking some dingos, which Ryan got to stoke; they looked much nicer than the one we saw on Fraser Island a few days ago. We then saw a Tasmanian devil (the splatted black and brown creature below!) and a keeper taking a wombat for a walk! We’re not quite sure whether that’s how they exercise in the wild, but never mind!

PS. Font big enough for you old man??!!!!

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