Caroline and Ryan's Round the World trip

From the 11th August we'll be departing the UK, stopping in Vegas, LA, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Hopefully through this blog we will be able to keep you all updated and show you what we've been up to. It would also be really great to here all your news, so feel free to comment and update us too!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Bula from Fiji!

Left LA on Sunday night (Caroline slept for the first time ever on an aeroplane!) and landed in Fiji around 5am Tuesday morning – we flew over the international date line, so we lost Monday. We were greeted by a Fijian quartet consisting of guitarists and ukulele players, all singing welcome to Fiji! Surreal doesn’t quite cut it! But it made us smile after a ten hour night flight!
Fiji is exactly what we imagined – white sandy beaches, turquoise water, amazing snorkelling and warm sunshine. But there’s another angle that we were in no way expecting; the people. They are ridiculously friendly. For instance, when we arrived at the airport, we walked out of baggage claim and had probably six or seven people ask us if they could help us at all. In the three places we have stayed so far as well, all the Fijians are always smiling, and watching them with each other they are always laughing and having fun. We witnessed the epitome of the Fijian spirit in Nadi, when a bus load of school children drove past all singing at the tops of their voices!
I don’t know if fun is the right word to describe what we’ve been up to though – relaxed would probably cut it better! We’ve spent pretty much everyday snorkelling, lying in the sun and eating! We did however manage to climb to the summit of the first island we stayed on; which after 3 weeks of very little exercise nearly killed us! We might get really drastic at some point and hire kayaks; maybe that will be next week’s exercise! Ryan has also be rock pooling, and has seen loads of different types of crabs, sea urchins, starfish, sea snakes and sea cucumbers, as well as an eel jumping out of the water trying to catch crabs. Caroline has gone off snorkelling since this sighting!  
We are currently at a resort called Korovou Eco-Haven Resort on Naviti island, around 3 ½ hours away from the main island. Our first stop was a resort named Coral View, which was located on the island of Tavewa Island, which is one of the islands furthest away from the main island, being a 5 hour boat trip. In both resorts we have stayed in our own little bungalow by the beach, called a ‘Bure’, which have a bedroom and a bathroom. At all resorts in Fiji all your meals are provided, and we sit down with everyone else at the resort for breakfast, lunch and dinner at set times, which is a really nice way to meet and chat to lots of different people.
At Coral View we were even invited to one of the residents birthday party’s; a little boy called Douglas Bruce, who was turning one. It was interesting to see how they mark the occasion in another culture, with highlights including his aunties singing, a blessing from the priest, traditional dancing and a big blue birthday cake for over 80 guests! I doubt my first birthday party was such an extravagant affair!
The resort we are currently at is a little more advanced than Coral View in that it has a swimming pool, facilities to pay by card and an internet cafe! All the mod cons! Unfortunately, we still are yet to have a hot shower, as many of the islands only have cold water; hot being a step too far!
We've got two more islands to visit before we head to New Zealand on Sunday; Ryan's gots everything crossed that there is windsurfing or just normal surfing at at least one of them!
Hope everything at home is good :)

Friday 19 August 2011

Day 6, 7 & 8 - LA

Landed in LA Tuesday afternoon - enjoying the slightly cooler weather!

We've been to see the walk of fame - particular highlights included Kermit the Frog, Big Bird and Godzilla! We also saw the hand- and footprints of slightly more famous people in front of the Grauman's Chinese Theatre, including Matt Damon, Jennifer Anniston and the Harry Potter trio! We've also been on the celebrity homes tour, which was basically a tour of gates and fences - although we did see the gates Micheal Jackson's body was brought out of after he died, so pretty famous gates! To actually see some famous faces we also visited Madame Tussauds, so at least we can pretend we've seen famous people! Although we did actually see Danny Devito in the flesh, as he was getting a star on the walk of fame yesterday. We also visited the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood where the Oscars take place.

Getting away from the celebrity side of things we went to Santa Monica and Venice Beach, watching the surfers, body builders and street bums! We also saw the Baywatch life guard towers which was surreal!

A slightly stranger attraction was the La Brea Tar Pits - allegedly Prince Charles' favourite LA attraction! Basically these are what the say on the tin - a city block made up of bubbling, natural tar pits, where numerous fossils have been discovered over the years. It was really odd to smell tar and see it bubbling up between the surrounding sky scrapers.

Today we visited Universal Studios and had a VIP tour of Warner Brothers studio. We saw where the Spiderman upside down kiss was filmed, saw where the film Inception was shot, and sat on the sofa from Central Perk in Friends! We also saw the costumes from Harry Potter as well as the sorting hat. Ryan's highlight was seeing Wisteria Lane, where they were actually filming!

The internet here isn't too quick, so we can't add photos at the moment - but we'll pop them on when we can find a better connection.

Monday 15 August 2011

Day 4 - Grand Canyon

To be specific we visited Grand Canyon West and the Hualapai tribe and have the certificate to prove it! We decided that the near 3 hour drive would suffice as the next view point was a further 2 hours away. We completed the Sky Walk which is a horseshoe of glass extending over the canyon with a view of the Colorado River some 4000ft  (1200m) down.

We went to Guano Point, Guano means Bat poo - they used to mine the Bat poo, their main customer was Maybelline as Bat poo is an ingredient in mascara and eye liner.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Day 3 - It's Dam Hot!

Ok, firstly last night we went and saw the Beatles Cirque du Soleil show - which was amazing! There were people on bungees flying across the theatre, people on ropes, see-saws suspended in the air and people on rollerskates summersalting off half pipe ramps. They also used trampolines for one of the songs, which had people bouncing all across the stage. Definitely worth watching!

Today we picked up our hire car and drove to the Hoover Dam. We had a tour of the inside of the dam, and saw the generators, stood on top of one of the pipes transporting the water and viewed the dam from halfway up through an air vent! Apparently the dam is made of the same amount of concrete as the amount needed to build a 4ft wide path around the equator, and the quantity of water in Lake Mead behind the dam would cover the whole of Pennslyvania. We also walked across the Memorial bridge which is situated opposite the dam.

We're starting to get a bit fed up of the heat - reached 46 degrees C today! stinky to say the least! We did get some rain yesterday morning, but its still as hot, and it just made it really humid and hot. Its making us appreciate the great British summer!

Friday 12 August 2011

Day 1 - Las Vegas

Landed last night in Vegas - all fine with the flight and getting into the US. Ryan made a friend with the customs official with the same name, so we were waved right through!

We're staying in the Excalibur hotel (the medieval), which is interesting! Luckily no swords or suits of armour in our room though, so not too horrendous! We've heard about the nightly dragon show, but for $72 each we're probably going to give it a miss! We are however, going to see the Beatles Cirque du Soleil show tomorrow, so Ryan's listening to the Beatles back catalogue this evening so he can sing along tomorrow!

We spent this morning exploring the other hotels and casinos, including the MGM Grand, New York, New York, the Bellagio (where we had our first bets - needless to say we didn't win!), Caesar's Palace and the Mirage. We also spotted the Eiffel Tower and a pyramid on our travels!

To fit with the American stereotype we went for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, which has a great view over the strip.

Ryan's debating jumping off the top of the Stratosphere tomorrow - any words of discouragement are more than welcome!